Using TikZ and PGFPlots for paper discussions

Using TikZ and PGFPlots for paper discussions

May 27, 2020

To use the code just insert it into any LaTeX code with the appropriate tikz libraries; see herefor examples.

Prospect theory #

Discussion of Prospect Theory and Stock Markets Anomalies (Barberis, Jin, and Wang)

Prospect Theory
      group style={group size=2 by 1, horizontal sep=2cm}, no markers,
      height=5cm, width=7cm,
      axis x line=bottom, axis y line=left      
% PLOT 1
    xlabel = Payoff,
    ylabel = $v(x)$,
    xmin=-2, xmax=2,
    ymin=-4, ymax=3,
    extra x tick style={major tick length=0mm, grid=none},
    xtick={-2, 0, 2},
    xticklabels={-2, 0, 2}, 
    ytick={-4, 0, 3}    
    \addplot[red, thick,  domain=-2:2, samples=200, variable=\t](
      {t },
      { ((t+abs(t))/2)^(0.5) - 2.5 * ((abs(t)-t)/2)^0.5 }
    \draw[dotted, color=black] (axis cs:-2,0) -- (axis cs:2,0);
    \draw[dotted, color=black] (axis cs:0,-4) -- (axis cs:0,3);
  % PLOT 2
    xlabel = P,
    ylabel = $w(P)$,
    xmin=0, xmax=1,
    ymin=0, ymax=1,    
    xtick={0, 0.5, 1},
    ytick={0, 0.5, 1}
    \addplot[color=black, dotted, domain=0:1, samples=100, variable=\t ](
    {t },
    {t^1 / (t^1 + (1-t)^1)^(1/1) }
    \addplot[color=black, dashed, domain=0:1, samples=100, variable=\t](
    {t },
    {t^0.65 / (t^0.65 + (1-t)^0.65)^(1/0.65) }
   \addplot[color=black, solid, domain=0:1, samples=100, variable=\t](
    {t },
    {t^0.4 / (t^0.4 + (1-t)^0.4)^(1/0.4) }