#! /usr/bin/R
# olsgmm.R
# This code is directly adapted from John Cochrane olsgmm.m matlab program
# See Cochrane's website:
# https://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/john.cochrane/teaching/35150_advanced_investments/olsgmm.m
# Created       on December 14th 2016
# Last modified on December 14th 2016
# ---------------------------------------------------------

# ---------------------------------------------------------
 olsgmm <- function(
     weight = 1){

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     
## % function olsgmm does ols regressions with gmm corrected standard errors
## % Inputs:
## %  lhv T x N vector, left hand variable data 
## %  rhv T x K matrix, right hand variable data
## %  If N > 1, this runs N regressions of the left hand columns on all the (same) right hand variables. 
## %  lags number of lags to include in GMM corrected standard errors
## %  weight: 1 for newey-west weighting 
## %          0 for even weighting
## %         -1 skips standard error computations. This speeds the program up a lot; used inside monte carlos where only estimates are needed
## %  NOTE: you must make one column of rhv a vector of ones if you want a constant. 
## %        should the covariance matrix estimate take out sample means?
## % Output:
## %  b: regression coefficients K x 1 vector of coefficients
## %  seb: K x N matrix standard errors of parameters. 
## %      (Note this will be negative if variance comes out negative) 
## %  v: variance covariance matrix of estimated parameters. If there are many y variables, the vcv are stacked vertically
## %  R2v:    unadjusted
## %  R2vadj: adjusted R2
## %  F: [Chi squared statistic    degrees of freedom    pvalue] for all coeffs jointly zero. 
## %   Note: program checks whether first is a constant and ignores that one for test
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     # ----- required packages

     lhv <- as.matrix(lhv)
     rhv <- as.matrix(rhv)     

     # ----- check we can do the analysis
     if (nrow(lhv) != nrow(rhv)){
         stop("# olsgmm: left and right sides must have same number of rows. Current rows are:\n",
               "  # ----- lhv .... ", nrow(lhv), "; rhv .... ", nrow(rhv), "\n")


     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # ----- initialize
     res   = NULL
     Ftest = matrix(NA, N, 3)
     lags = lags[1];
     ## weight=1 ;
     Tobs    = dim(rhv)[1];   # number or rows
     N       = dim(lhv)[2];   # number or columns
     K       = dim(rhv)[2];
     sebv    = matrix(0,K,N)
     Exxprim = solve( t(rhv) %*% rhv / Tobs);
     bv      = solve( t(rhv) %*% rhv ) %*% t(rhv) %*% lhv;

     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ## skip ses if you don't want them.  returns something so won't get error message
     if (weight == -1){  
         sebv    = NA;
         R2v     = NA;
         R2vadj  = NA;
         v       = NA;
         Ftest   = NA;

     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ## now compute newey-west errors
     else {

     errv   = lhv - rhv %*% bv;
     s2     = mean(errv^2)
     vary   = lhv - ones(Tobs,1) %*% mean(lhv);
     vary   = mean(vary^2);

     R2v    = t(1-s2/vary);
     R2vadj = t( 1 - (s2/vary) * (Tobs-1)/(Tobs-K) );
     indx = 1;

     # Compute GMM standard errors
     while(indx <= N){
         # debug
         ## indx = 1
         err   = as.matrix(errv[,indx]);
         inner = t(rhv * (err %*% matrix(1,1,K) ) ) %*% (rhv * (err %*% matrix(1,1,K)) ) / Tobs;
         jindx = 1;
         for(jindx in seq(1, lags)){
             startindx = 1 + jindx; endindx = Tobs - jindx;
             inneradd  = t(rhv[1:endindx,] * err[1:endindx] %*% matrix(1,1,K)) %*% (rhv[startindx:Tobs,] * err[startindx:Tobs] %*% matrix(1,1,K)) / Tobs;
             inner     = inner + (1-weight*jindx/(lags+1)) * (inneradd + t(inneradd) );
         varb = 1/Tobs * Exxprim %*% inner %*% Exxprim;

        # F test for all coeffs (except constant) zero -- actually chi2 test
        if (identical(as.matrix(rhv[,1]), ones(dim(rhv)[1],1))){
            chi2val         = t( bv[2:nrow(bv), indx] ) %*% solve( varb[2:nrow(bv),2:nrow(bv)]) %*% bv[2:nrow(bv), indx];
            dof             = nrow(as.matrix(bv[2:nrow(bv), 1])) 
            ## pval            = 1-cdf('chi2',chi2val, dof);
            pval            = 1 - pchisq(chi2val, dof)
            Ftest[indx,1:3] = c(chi2val, dof, pval);
        } else {
            chi2val = t(bv[,indx]) %*% solve(varb) %*% bv[,indx];
            dof     = nrow(as.matrix(bv[, 1]))
            pval            = 1 - pchisq(chi2val, dof)            
            Ftest[indx,1:3] = c(chi2val, dof, pval);            
         # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         if (indx == 1) {
             v = varb;
         } else {
             v = cbind(v,varb);

         seb = diag(varb);
         seb = sign(seb) * sqrt(abs(seb));
         sebv[,indx] = seb;

     # get results
     res$bv = bv
     res$sebv = sebv

     list_res <- list(bv, sebv, R2v, R2vadj, v, Ftest)

 } # end of else clause
